Access Patrol, Inc • VSU Training • 443.435.3777
Access Patrol, Inc • VSU Training • 443.435.3777
A Maryland resident must possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL)or qualify for an HQL exemption before they may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. A Handgun Qualification License is not required to possess a handgun that you already legally own.
Please Note: Residency exemptions have been made for active military personnel and their spouses. Additional information on verifying current or retired military credentials can be found at
The HQL is an electronic application accessible through the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page. Applicants who possess a valid Maryland Wear and Carry (Handgun) Permit are eligible to request a "Permit Exempt" HQL at no cost in accordance with PS §5–306(e). This request must be completed through the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page.
LIVESCAN FINGERPRINTS - Prior to submitting an application for an HQL, the applicant is required to submit Livescan fingerprints for a background investigation. For HQL purposes, Livescan fingerprints are valid for 12 months after the date of fingerprint submission. Additional information regarding the fingerprinting process is available HERE. "Permit Exempt" HQL requests do not require Livescan fingerprint submission.
FIREARMS SAFETY TRAINING - Within 3 years prior to the submission of an HQL application, an applicant must demonstrate a satisfactory completion of a Firearms Safety Training Course instructed by a Qualified Handgun Instructor. The Firearms Safety Training Course shall consist of a minimum of 4 hours of instruction and include the following minimum curricula:
Additional information regarding Qualified Handgun Instructors can be found HERE.
APPLICATION PROCESS - Once an HQL applicant has submitted Livescan fingerprints and has satisfactory completed the firearms safety training course, they should access the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Page. Applicants who do not have a eMDSP account will be required to create one. You must have a valid personal email address to create an account. Email addresses or accounts can not be shared. Once logged in, the applicant will select "Initial Application" under the MENU on the left side of the screen. The applicant will review the available services and select the appropriate application that they are applying for. Applicants who are not exempt from the firearms safety training requirement will be required to upload a copy of their proof of satisfactory completion of the firearms safety training course. With the exception of "Permit Exempt" HQL applicants, all HQL applicants are required to upload a copy of their Livescan fingerprint receipt. Upon completing all application requirements, the applicant will be directed to the application payment page. Once the application fees are entered, the application will be finalized and submitted to the Licensing Division. The Licensing Division will review the application, conduct the criminal history background investigation on the applicant and render a final disposition on the application. The final disposition notification and if approved, the Handgun Qualification License will be sent to the email address associated with the applicant's registered account. If the application is denied, the applicant may contact the Handgun Qualification Unit for more information; no further details will be provided in the notification email.
The initial Handgun Qualification License expires 10 years from the date of issuance.
A Handgun Qualification License may be renewed for successive periods of 10 years each if, at the time of an application for renewal, the applicant possesses the qualifications for the issuance of a license and submits a $20.00 nonrefundable application renewal fee. The Handgun Qualification License Renewal application should be submitted at least 14 days prior to the expiration of the current Handgun Qualification License.
Handgun Qualification License renewal applicants are NOT required to submit fingerprints or complete additional firearms safety training as part of the application for the renewal of an active Handgun Qualification License.
Renewal reminders will be emailed to Handgun Qualification License holders who hold an active license that will be expiring.
It is the license holder’s responsibility to notify the Licensing Division of any email or address changes, in writing, within 30 days of any change. You may also log into your account and update your email or physical address under the demographics page.
IMPORTANT REMINDER REGARDING HANDGUN QUALIFICATION LICENSE (HQL) RENEWALS: HQL renewal applications must be submitted prior to the expiration date of the current HQL. HQL renewal applications submitted after the expiration date will result in the rejection of the HQL renewal application and require a new HQL application be submitted with a new firearms safety training certificate and proof of a new Livescan fingerprint submission.
Acceptable methods of payment include Visa or MasterCard
Original/Initial – $50.00 - Livescan Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $20.00 - Livescan Fingerprints are not required
APPLICANT - Unless exempt, an applicant will be required to obtain 4 hours of Firearms Safety Training with a Maryland Qualified Handgun Instructor and submit Livescan Fingerprints. Once these perquisites have been completed, the HQL application can be completed in the eMDSP Online Services website within 30-45 minutes.
PROCESSING TIME - Once the Licensing Division electronically receives the completed HQL application and the required application fee, the applicant will be notified of the final disposition within 30 days.
Any adults over the age of 18 for:
· Employment
· No felony conviction greater than 1 year or criminal offense for which a 2 year sentence was possible
· Not presently under alcohol or addicted or habitually using controlled dangerous substances unless under legitimate medical direction
· Not exhibiting violence or instability where you may be perceived as a danger to others
· Completion of the Maryland State Police approved firearms safety training course within 2 years before submitting the original or renewal application
Effective immediately, all Handgun Permit/Wear and Carry application fees are being electronically collected at the time of application submission in the Licensing Portal.
ATTENTION: Before you may legally wear and carry a regulated firearm, you must possess and maintain on your person the MSP-issued Handgun Wear and Carry Permit. Submission of the application does not authorize you to wear, carry, or transport a handgun.
To access the Wear and Carry Application click below:
Training must be successfully completed prior to submitting the application, unless you are exempt from training. Please clickhere for information on Wear and Carry Permit Training
Wear and Carry Permits may be issued to a person who is at least 21 years of age and meets the following criteria:
As of October 1, 2013, all new, renewal, and subsequent applicants must successfully complete required firearms training, within 2 years, prior to submitting the application.
As of October 1, 2016 Fingerprints will no longer be required for renewal application submissions. Fingerprints are still required for all initial/original Handgun Permit applications. (MD SB208 2016)
As of October 1, 2019, all Wear and Carry permit applications (original, renewal and subsequent) and requests (modification and replacement) must be submitted online in the Licensing Portal. All documentation requirements and any clarifications you feel may assist investigators in processing your applications must be uploaded and electronically attached to the application in the Licensing Portal. You may access the Licensing Portal by clicking the link below:
The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the Wear and Carry permit application are:
Please allow 90 days for completion of the application process.
For further guidance in regard to submitting a Wear and Carry permit application or request please refer to the Wear and Carry Portal Users Guide.
All fees will be collected electronically at the time of application submission in the Licensing Portal. Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.
Original/Initial – $125.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $75.00 – Fingerprints not required
Replacement/Modification – $20.00 – Fingerprints not required
Active/Retired Law Enforcement Officers of this State or a County/Municipality (PS 5-304) – $0.00
The initial Handgun Permit expires on the last day of the holder’s birth month following two (2) years after the date the permit is issued. Permits that have been modified or are a duplicate expire on the date provided on the initial permit.
A Handgun Permit may be renewed for successive periods of three (3) years each if, at the time of an application for renewal, the applicant possesses the qualifications for the issuance of a permit and pays the renewal fee as established in the subtitle.
The renewal process is the responsibility of the applicant and should be started 90 business days from expiration of the permit. Timely renewal is the responsibility of the permit holder. The Licensing Portal will send out renewal reminders for Wear and Carry permit applications that have been submitted through the online portal. The renewal reminder will be sent via email to the confirmed email address associated with the applicant's Licensing Portal account.
It is the permit holder’s responsibility to notify the Licensing Division of address changes, in writing, within 30 days of any change. You may send your updated address information to:
Restriction on the wear, carry and transport of handguns and firearms in certain places appear throughout Maryland law and regulations. Below are statutes and regulations detailing the handgun and firearm restrictions. This list should not be considered all-inclusive.
1. On school property (CR 4-102)
2. Within 1,000 feet of a demonstration in a public place after a law enforcement officer advises that a demonstration is occurring at the public place and orders the person to leave the demonstration area until the person disposes of the firearm (CR 4-208)
3. In legislative buildings (SG 2-1702)
4. Aboard aircraft (TR 5-1008)
5. In lodging establishments where the innkeeper reasonably believes individuals possess property that may be dangerous to other individuals, such as firearms or explosives (BR 15-203)
6. On dredge boats, other than two 10 gauge shotguns (NR 4-1013)
7. In or around State-owned public buildings and grounds (COMAR
8. On Chesapeake Forest Lands (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted) (COMAR
9. In State Forests (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted) (COMAR
10. In State Parks (except for hunting and target shooting as permitted) (COMAR
11. In State Highway Rest Areas, firearms may not be displayed or discharged (COMAR
12. In community adult rehabilitation centers (COMAR
13. In child care centers, except for small centers located in residences, firearms may not be kept on the premises (COMAR 13A.16.10.04)
For a location that is not owned by, leased by, or otherwise under the control of the state or a political subdivision of the state, the prohibitions listed above in items 1, 2 and 3 (effective October 1, 2023), do not apply to:
The prohibitions listed above in items 1, 2 and 3 (effective October 1, 2023), do not apply to a firearm that is carried or transported in a motor vehicle if the firearm is:
Department of Natural Resources:
The course covers: hunter responsibility, firearms and ammunition, firearm handling and safety, marksmanship and shooting fundamentals, principles of wildlife management, bow hunting, muzzleloader hunting, tree stand safety, safety and first aid, water safety, and Maryland legal requirements.
Students must pass a 50-question multiple choice test with a grade of 80 percent, demonstrate to the instructor that he or she can safely handle a firearm in a field situation and participate in live firing. Students must also demonstrate to the instructor that they are responsible and the mature.
Exemption to Maryland Hunter Education Field Day Workshops
The following exemptions are for students that have completed Maryland's hunter education course via online and qualify under one of the following professions/trainings:
1. Active-duty or honorably discharged members of the U.S. military who are stationed in the state of Maryland or who are Maryland residents.
2. Any current or retired law enforcement officer from the state of Maryland (must hold, or have previously held, a Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Police Officer Certification, and employed and/or retired from a Maryland law enforcement agency. Please note special police officer certifications are not accepted).
3. Any person that holds a current, state of Maryland Permit to Carry a Handgun, issued by the Maryland State Police.
Information on Exemption to Maryland Hunter Education Field Day Workshops for Military, Law Enforcement and Certain Handgun Permit Holders.
Firearms Safety Exit Exam:
- Ensures individuals possess essential knowledge and skills for safe firearm handling.
- Covers proper firearm handling techniques, storage guidelines, and maintenance procedures.
- Tests understanding of relevant laws and regulations related to firearms.
- Demonstrates commitment to responsible gun ownership and usage.
- Reduces risks of firearm accidents, misuse, and negligence.
- Promotes public safety by educating individuals about potential dangers and legal responsibilities.
- Equips individuals with the ability to make informed decisions regarding firearms.
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